MINIMAL Inc. Design | Engineering | Brand | Innovation Agency — Ullo Update

PRODUCT DESIGN, BRANDING, Mechanical Engineering, Sourcing, photography





wine, the way it should be


Üllo believes that wine is best enjoyed the way the winemaker intended, without the added sulfites used as a preservative.

An estimated three million Americans are sensitive to sulfites, resulting in allergies or respiratory problems. Üllo purifies any wine, restoring it to its natural state by removing only the sulfites and allowing all of the flavor compounds to flow through unaffected.



 by the Glass or Bottle

wine, the way you want it


MINIMAL set out to design and engineer an inclusive line of products that appeal to everyone from the casual wine drinker to the trained sommelier. The design and product architecture allows wine drinkers to purify and aerate an individual glass or an entire bottle through the filter without disrupting the mood or atmosphere of the experience.

Because some wines prefer to be aerated, Üllo can purify and aerate wine in the same pour. With a simple twist, you can choose to aerate your wine as it passes through the filter. The purified wine flows through the Üllo in a mesmerizing helical shape, allowing the wine to breathe on its way to your glass.


creating the identity

 a brand for purists


Alchemy, the forerunner of modern chemistry, is based on the transformation and purification of matter. Alchemists searched for processes capable of changing a common substance of little value into an element of great value. Üllo’s brand identity was inspired by the alchemy symbol for purity, and it references the ability to change the state of wine. 


Üllo’s brand personality is apparent on the web and packaging as well. The bold brand colors and detailed alchemy patterns are used to set the tone for the entire product experience. Üllo is a fun and sophisticated product that encourages the celebration of science and wine together. 


The logo mark and symbol reference a wine glass and the “Ü” in Üllo. Every detail, from the spacing to the weight is well balanced, like a fine wine.