MINIMAL Wins Top Honors at 2016 IDSA International Design Excellence Awards


The Industrial Designer's Society of America (IDSA) has announced this year's International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) and MINIMAL is thrilled to be recognized with five awards.

Among more than 1,700 projects entered from around the globe, MINIMAL was awarded silver for Carvey, a desktop 3D carving machine, in the Office & Productivity category. 

ZONE Mouthguard, an alternative to traditional (and painful) "boil and bite" mouthguards, won IDSA Bronze in the Sports, Leisure & Recreation category for its affordable custom-fit, on-demand design solution.

Our work on UV disinfection system, Surfacide, was named a finalist in the Commercial & Industrial Products category, and in the Home & Bath group, hybrid task lamp Sisifo and home connection camera Logi Circle were also recognized as finalists.

Congratulations to our entire team and partners who created and helped bring these innovations to life!

To view the full list of 2016 IDSA IDEA winners, go here.